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(Ayush Export Promotion Council), newly formed Export Promotion Council [set up by Ministry of Ayush and supported by Ministry of Commerce, GOI], Launched at Global Ayush Investment and Innovation Summit held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on April 20, 2022. Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi had officially launched the Ayush Export Promotion Council (AYUSHEXCIL). It is aimed to oversee exports of products of Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Siddha, Sowa / Rigpa and Unani systems and address trade issues pertaining to these sectors.


Ayush Services


Ayurveda is the time tested traditional system of medicine of India. The term 'Ayurveda' meaning 'the knowledge of life' comprises of two Sanskrit words viz 'Ayu' meaning 'Life' and 'Veda' meaning 'Knowledge' or 'Science'.

Yoga & Naturopathy

The word 'Yoga' comes from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' which means 'to unite or integrates'. Yoga is about the union of a person's own conciousness and the universal consciousness. Naturopathy is a cost effective drugless, non-invasive therapy involving the use of natural materials for health care and healthy living.


Unani System of medicine is a comprehensive medical system, which provides preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health care. The system is holistic in nature and takes into account the whole personality of an individual rather than taking a reductionist approach towards disease.


The Siddha system is an ancient system of medicine in India. The word 'Siddha' is derived from the root word 'Citti' meaning attainement of perfection, eternal bliss and accomplishment.

Sowa Rigpa

'Sowa Rigpa' is the traditional medicine of many parts of the Himalayan region used mainly by the Tribal and bhot people. Sowa-Rigpa(Bodh-Kyi) means 'science of healing' and the practitioners of this medicine are known as Amchi.


'Homoeopathy' was introduced as a scientific system of drug therapeutics by a German Physician, Dr. Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann in 1805. The principle of Homoeopathy is Similia Similibus Curentur i.e. let likes be treated by likes.


The outreach activities of the Council are manifold and in addition to direct marketing, structured promotional events are organized on a regular basis so as to create awareness on the Ayush products and other avenues for exporters. The various promotional activities carried out on a regular basis such as product specific delegation to selected countries, country participation in Trade Fairs, Catalogue Show, Buyer-Seller Meets, Seminars and Conferences both in India as well as abroad.

  • Trade delegations to specific regions
  • Organizing Exhibition to promote Indian Ayurveda products and services
  • Participation in Trade Fairs, Catalogue-Show, Exhibitions etc.
  • Buyer -Seller Meets
  • Capacity building events like Seminar, Conferences, Workshops, Guest lectures etc on industry relevant topics
  • Export related services to members


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